Better Exposed Filters change log --------------------------------- Better Exposed Filters 7.x-x.x xxxx-xx-xx ------------------------------------------ Issue #1784424 by mikeker: Refactored getting existing and default values. Issue #1666896 by Staratel: Fixed Filter captions on BEF settings form are empty if filter labels are empty. Issue #1798350 by mikeker: Fixed: secondary options were using the filter label instead of ID. Better Exposed Filters 7.x-3.0-beta2 2012-09-13 ------------------------------------------------ Issue #975376 by mikeker, gordon: Inital port. Note: only supports Views 3.x as there is no 2.x release planned for D7. Issue #1109950 by mikeker, Francois LR: Fixes errors in taxonomy tree Issue #1099528 by mikeker: Radio button labels not displayed Issue #1128688 by sreynen: Select All/None not working on nested checkboxes Issue #1111712 by mikeker: Adds Links as an option for filters mikeker: Fixed attributes, select all/none issues Issue #1120244 by mikeker: Fixed collapsible filter options Issue #1132818 by mikeker: Allows more specific targeting of BEF options based on filter options Issue #1162488 by klickreflex: Fixes incorrect HTML in nested displays By mikeker: Added datepicker option Issue #1194102 by dj1999: Adds BEF options to 'is all of' filters Issue #1149254 by aaronbauman: Hides Apply button when exposed filters are set to hidden Issue #1227168 by gionnibgud: Adds IDs to select_as_links filter options Issue #1260194 by zhuber: Adds toggle functionality to filter links (added --author attribution in a later commit) Issue #1099528 by Murz: Fixes incorrect depth of '- Any -' option Issue #1241960 by mikeker: Fixes E_STRICT warning Issue #1217204 by mikeker: Fixes Undefined index errors when BEF settings page is raised as a standalong page Issue #1281348 by mikeker: form.js and collapse.js not being aggregated properly Issue #1272694 by samhassell and mikeker: correctly sets form-item classes for wrapper divs Issue #1290630 by d.clarke: Removes duplicated IDs from radio buttons Issue #1289370 by mikeker: Gets Datepicker working again. Note: needs to be added to behaviors. By mikeker: Added/Cleaned up highlight JS, moved datepicker JS to Drupal.behaviors Issue #1289370 by ducktape: Adds support for Drupal's default date field and corrects missing JS file Issue #1297418 by mikeker: Puts exposed operators inside fieldset Issue #1283998 by mikeker: Added token support in description fields Issue #1212744 by mikeker: Collapsible option for sort Issue #1398048 by mikeker: Rewritable combined sort options Issue #1439216 by KeyboardCowboy: Remove duplicate name attributes on checkboxes (W3C validation) Issue #1548292 by richard.thomas: Use drupal_add_library() for datepicker option Issue #1171952 by mikeker: Added single on/off checkbox support Issue #1286378 by m4olivei: Fixes link filter state being list when non-link filter is used Issue #1362344 by mikeker, arkz: Adds option to put exposed form elements in a secondary options fieldset. Better Exposed Filters 6.x-x.x xxxx-xx-xx ------------------------------------------ #864614 by OxideInteractive: Fixes extra space in class attributes #874978 by vosechu: select_as_checkboxes now respects #default_value #812778 by mikeker: Fixes problem with "Show hierarchy in dropdown enabled" #811954 by pivica: Fixes duplicate Select All/None links with multiple Behavior executions #657148 by mikeker: Adds support for exposed sort manipulation #965388 by mikeker: Adds support for collapsible fieldsets #965388 by mikeker: Adds support for collapsible fieldsets mikeker: Adds nested list display for hierarchical taxonomy filters #894312 by kenorb, mikeker: Adds links as a BEF option #1006716 by attiks: Corrects