Known Issue 'Node' panes can have two titles or have two title areas. Cause: Content that comes into a pane is already formatted, and this happens in theme('node'). theme('node') assumes it will be printing a title most of the time. However, Panels wants the titles of panes to be consistent, so it removes the title from the node to prevent your node.tpl.php from printing it. The result is often an empty h2 which has odd effects. Solution: Add an if statement to your node.tpl.php to prevent printing that h2 if $node->title is empty. Known Issue Internet Explorer is really bad about making the rightmost panel fall beneath the others. Cause: Internet explorer calculates margins and padding differntly from everyone else, and this makes it entirely too easy for widths to add up to greater than the amount of allotted space, despite using percentage widths. Solution: There are two solutions to this problem: 1) In your theme, try to eliminate padding from the the <div> that directly contains your content; you can do this by adding an empty <div> inside it that surrounds the content and very specifically is set to margin: 0 and padding: 0 2) if that doesn't work, override the widths of the panel-panel divs and reduce them by 1 or 2%; usually this will give IE enough space to quit pushing things around. Known Issue TinyMCE, FCKEditor and other wysiwyg editors really blow up on Panels content editing. Cause: The modal dialogs that Panels uses are very particular about javascript and these editors are too much for them. Also, these editors get cranky about complicated forms with several text areas. Solution: Disable these editors on all of your panels admin pages. The important URLs are admin/panels/* and panels/ajax/*. More details instructions may follow if someone familiar with these systems submits a patch at the above URL. Known Issue The rounded corners style shows up as just a small graphic rather than a full box around the panels as it shoujld. Cause: The rounded corners CSS relies on the ID for the panel, but the ID is optional. Solution: Make sure your panel has an ID of some sort. With mini panels there is no easy workaround as mini panels currently do not have IDs of their own. Known Issue You see a message similar to this: Table 'drupal.panels_info' doesn't exist query: SELECT * FROM panels_info WHERE path = 'front_page_new' in... The important piece of information is 'panels_info'. Cause: The Meta Tags module (also known as nodewords.module) directly reads the the panels tables and modifies its forms to add the tags. Unfortunately for this module, Panels has changed *greatly* in the leap from 1.0 to 2.0 and the tables aren't the same. However, the nodewords module doesn't yet know this. Look in the nodewords issue queue for panels patches and you should find something. Known Issue The drag and drop content UI doesn't seem to work at all under Safari. Cause: Safari 2 has some serious problems with the javascript code. Solution: Upgrade to Safari 3 if possible. If not, use an an alternative browser such as Firefox or Opera. Known Issue When using the secure pages module, the Panels administrative UI gives unhelpful "An error occurred" popups when trying to add or edit content. Cause: The secure pages module tries to move the entire administrative section of the site to HTTPS, but Panels' AJAX calls are using a path that secure pages doesn't know about. When trying to make non-secure ajax calls from a secure page, the browser denies the call. Solution: The solution is to simply add panels/* to your Secure Pages configuration.